Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Barang Pindahan: Memorable Quotes From "Strobe Edge"

Well, the title kinda speaks for itself. Basically these are some random dialogues (or narratives) I found interesting or heart-twitching while I was in the process of reading the manga series. It was a terrific reading process... gave me a lot to think about. It's good right? I mean, one of the criteria of a good story is that it makes you think.

And duh, it's no longer a secret that I'm into loves stories where the girl's love is unrequited at first.

  • "Just by thinking of the person, your chest goes 'kyuu'. In any case, it's painful, and makes you wanna cry for no reason." (I don't remember who said this. So, Ninako was with her gang, and a they were kinda chimed at each other when she asked this sacred question: "So what is love?" Later, the sentence was repeated in narratives when it was near the ending. The series' tag line, maybe?)
  • "At this place, at this time, where is this feeling being driven to...?" (One of Ninako's narratives. Found it quite heart-wrenching due to melancholic reasons.)
  • "Just because the person you like already has someone else, your feelings won't disappear." (Again, I can't remember who said this... most probably Andou or Ninako herself, but I am not sure.)
  • "I'll die miserably. Don't look at him with those eyes." (This one is definitely Andou's. Well, being stuck in an unrequited love where your crush's love is ALSO unrequited really makes your patience running thin, doesn't it....)
  • "Well, first loves don't usually bloom. The fact that I dated her doesn't necessarily mean it bloomed." (Andou's again. I like this dude a lot, but I like Ninako and NinakoxRen better. :p)
  • "If I saw the two of them with my own eyes, maybe I would be able to give up. Those are just pretty words, the truth was... if only it wasn't reality, then it would be fine. That was what I wished for." (Yep, this one is Ninako's. Can totally relate to this, so... yeah. I loved it.)
  • "It's not what I want to be to him. I just want to have a deeper love. But at times like these... I wish they could last just a bit longer. That's all." (Ninako's.)
  • "If your feelings back then weren't a lie, then that's already plenty enough for me." (This one was said by Mayuka. Although she is the Romantic False Lead in this story, their break-up moved me a bit towards that side of liking this pairing. Their relationship background was pretty sweet... However, people change and then they part ways. Life sucks, eh?)
  • "However that instantly when I saw him, it all came rushing back at once." (Ninako's. Ah, been there done that.)
  • "What's this? Did you think that 'cause I'm so skinny that my only worth was being a bishounen?" (It's Andou's. lol)
  • "You didn't wash it."
    "Who would wash a towel that was thrown at you?!" (Just Ren and Andou quarreling. Bromance all the way.)
  • "How can I convince myself if my head and heart are torn apart? How can I give up on him when he's so close to me?" (Of course, it's Ninako's.)
  • "There's no better or worse just because it's a love problem. If your heart is filled with that problem, then to you, it's a big problem." (This one is Toda's. Dude was more like a comic relief, but certainly spoke some most godly words in this series...)
  • "I like you. I want to become the most important person to you, calling you without a reason, texting you, sharing a cake, and me ending up eating a lot, but you just laughing about it and forgiving me... holding hands without needing to say anything, like it's the most natural thing in the world, that's how I want us to be..."(Ninako. AND I ACTUALLY CRIED AT THIS PART LOL AHGDKJSGJFSKJ)
Kayaknya segini aja. Ini sebenernya postingan yang udah lumayan lama dari blog lemari penyimpanan saya. Saya sempet berpikir mau nambahin lagi, karena Strobe Edge termasuk manga yang gitu aja bikin saya ended-up baca ulang, ulang, dan ulang lagi. Bukan cuma karena appeal yang dimiliki manga tsb sendiri, melainkan juga karena sayanya sendiri (dengan segudang kelemahan dan kesukaan saya terhadap cerita macam ini).

Sebenernya saya sempet kepengen manjangin list ini lagi, tapi somehow could never bring myself to it.

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